There are currently 10 member seminaries, including 3 associate members, in the AGST Alliance consortium. They come from 5 South East Asian countries :
In Cambodia
Phnom Penh Bible School (Associate member*) (www.ppbs.edu.kh)
In Malaysia
- Bible College of Malaysia (www.bcm.org.my)
- Malaysia Baptist Theological Seminary (www.mbts.org.my)
- Malaysia Bible Seminary (www.mbs.org.my)
- Malaysia Evangelical College (Sarawak) (Associate member*)
In Myanmar
Myanmar Evangelical Graduate School of Theology (www.fb.com/MyanmarEvangelicalGraduatSchoolOfTheology)
In Singapore
East Asia School of Theology (www.east.edu.sg)
In Thailand
- Bangkok Bible Seminary (www.bbsthai.org)
- Chiang Mai Theological Seminary (Associate member*) (www.fb.com/ctsthailand)
- Thailand Pentecostal Seminary (www.pentecostalthai.org)
[* Associate members are seminaries which do not have recognised accreditation, or are unable to fulfil other requirements for full member status. They participate fully in all aspects of AGST Alliance, but do not have voting rights on the Governing Board.]
AGST Alliance is open to requests from other seminaries to join our consortium. They do not need to be linked to the Asia Theological Association, but do need to be in agreement with our theological and working bases.

AGST Alliance is a regional member of a wider Asia Graduate School of Theology (AGST) network of the Asia Theological Association. As a regional AGST entity, AGST Alliance seeks to align itself with the stated mission and thrust of ATA and AGST Asia-wide. Other national/regional AGST entities are:
- AGST Japan (consist of 5 member seminaries in Japan)
- AGST Pacific
- AGST Philippines (consist of 8 member seminaries in the Philippines)
- AGST Nepal
- AGST North East India
AGST Alliance is also an associate member of the Malaysian Association of Theological Schools (MATS).