Dissertations (DMin)

You are welcome to peruse these theses/dissertations. They may be cited, but please observe standard academic protocol for doing so. If you wish to contact the author(s), email your request to admin@agstalliance.com.


DMin [AGST Alliance – Bangkok Bible Seminary partnership]
Kanok Leelahakriengkrai (2022): A Model for Evangelism to the Upper-middle-class of Urban Thailand
Krit Niramittham (2022): A Study of Thai Christian Pornography Use: Problems And Positive Responses

DMin [AGST Alliance – Bible College of Malaysia (BCM) – Malaysia Bible Seminary (MBS) partnership]
Christopher CH Pak (2022): Addressing the Attrition of the Emerging Adult Population in the Assemblies of God Churches  in Sunway – Subang, Malaysia
Jeremiah Yap Teow Khoon (2022): Contributing and Hindering Factors of Fathers’ role in the Faith Formation of their Children

Kanok Leelahakriengkrai (2022), DMin (Bangkok Bible Seminary)

Supervisor: Rev Dr Anuparp Vichitnan

A Model for Evangelism to the Upper-middle-class of Urban Thailand [PDF]

In Thailand, there is a rise of an upper middle-class who hold increasing economic power. Thai Christians remain a small minority (0.75%) nationally. While most Christians live in low-income provinces, 21.4% of Thai Christians fall in the urban upper middle class category. The goal of this research was to determine the most effective methods of communicating the Gospel to the urban upper-middle-class sector in Thailand. Using quantitative research, four hundred and fifteen questionnaires were sent to thirty three churches located in ten urban cities from three major church organisations in Thailand.

Research findings indicate three aspects that strongly and positively influenced conversions among Thai urban-middle class Christians: personal experiences with God, a good Christian community, and consistent Bible studies. Effective practices in evangelism and discipleship include presenting the gospel with clarity, and strong engagement with the Christian community. In the presentation of the gospel message, Thai Christians should emphasize the love of God, focus on the centrality of Jesus Christ, and promote spiritual experiences. Intensive follow-up with new believers, and enhancing warmth and love in church meetings were highly effective in establishing new Christians in their faith. In terms of evangelistic methods, Thai churches should utilize and develop social media such as Facebook and YouTube.  

Krit Niramittham (2022), DMin (Bangkok Bible Seminary)

Supervisor: Rev Dr Apichart Poonsakvorasan

A Study of Thai Christian Pornography Use: Problems And Positive Responses [PDF]

The purpose of this mixed methods study was to examine Thai Christian pornography use and its related problems. It also sought to provide positive responses to problematic pornography use among Thai Christians. Participants in this study were Thai Protestant men and women who resided in Thailand. Findings from this study indicated that pornography use has become prevalent and problematic among Thai Christians on philosophical, psychological, and practical levels, resulting in negative outcomes such as physical, mental, relational, and spiritual problems. To respond to problematic pornography use positively, this study suggested that Thai churches and Christian leaders can employ creative processes, encourage safe platforms, and engage supportive people. This study has also filled a gap in the literature as there had been no empirical research conducted to investigate the negative impacts and positive responses to Thai Christian pornography use prior to this study.

Christopher CH Pak (2022), DMin (Bible College of Malaysia)

Supervisor: Rev Dr Simon Cheong

Addressing the Attrition of the Emerging Adult Population in the Assemblies of God Churches  in Sunway – Subang, Malaysia: Towards a Discipleship Process [PDF]

This dissertation argues that the attrition of emerging adults in Sunway – Subang, Malaysia was caused by rapid changes in the postmodern world, especially in the urban setting.  It has led to a different perspective of religiosity, faith, practice and an erosion of Christian beliefs among them.  To address this attrition, this dissertation proposes a discipling process that is wide and flexible that realigns how church is done, using e-media, reinforcing sacraments and practices, and integrating intergenerational involvement.

This project employs a mixed method of qualitative approach.  The instruments used were an online survey questionnaire, focus groups, semi-structured personal interview.  It sought to understand why the emerging adults have chosen their respective decisions whether to stay or leave, measures that can be taken to address it, developing a biblical approach towards discipleship process to aid faith transmission, and ways in which they can theologically express their spirituality and faith in a post-modern world.

Jeremiah Yap Teow Khoon (2022), DMin (Malaysia Bible Seminary)

Supervisor: Dr Thomas Kimber

Contributing and Hindering Factors of Fathers’ role in the Faith Formation of their Children: A Case Study of English-speaking parents associated with three New Life Restoration Centre congregations, Klang Valley, Malaysia

The purpose of this study is to explore the contributing and hindering factors that describe the New Life Restoration Centre fathers in their role in children’s faith formation. This research used the mixed-methods methodology. Questionnaires were used to obtain a tally of the range of perspectives from participants about the fathers’ role. Semi-structured interviews with fathers and mothers were primary tools for a deeper analysis of perspectives on that role.

This dissertation argues that biblically and theologically, the father as the head of the family is responsible for the faith formation role. The study found fathers engaged in practices of prayer, relationships for engagement, accessibility, role modelling, and in resources to overcome hindrances such as lack of vision, time, Bible knowledge, and personal obstacles. In managing factors (intrinsic and extrinsic) that influence fathers in their role, it is hoped that the children might serve God’s purposes in their life.