Why AGST Alliance?

Specialised programs, not duplication

Many areas of Christian training are well covered in this region with quite a bit of duplication, even by seminaries in one country.

But there are some specialised areas of training which few of the seminaries by themselves have the resources to provide, for example, post-graduate programs in Christian education, spiritual formation and discipleship. Here, AGST Alliance’s distinctive contribution is to facilitate such programs on behalf of all the seminaries in the consortium.

Some leaders can not attend a residential program. So AGST Alliance provides an alternative program delivery mode for example, our modular MTh(Theol) program. Budget airlines and internet accessibility work in our favour!

Collaboration makes sense!

Co-operation like this, rather than competition, is educationally and economically sound. AGST Alliance doesn’t require its own campus, because courses are held on the campuses of member seminaries. Library, faculty and other facilities are shared.

As the cooperation modelled by AGST Alliance releases resources for ministry and mission training in our region, so a key Christian ministry value is demonstrated.

In SE Asia today, AGST Alliance makes good sense!

Other strengths

· Theological education ‘on home ground’

Our programs are designed for the Asian context. Students are encouraged to ensure their studies are earthed and applied in their cultural and church contexts.

· Acceptance of family and ministry realities

Our programs may be undertaken without students needing to go through major ministry and family upheavals.

· Flexibility

The non-residential, modular delivery format of our MTh programs and the non-residential format of our PhD programs enable students to have some flexibility in how they structure their study.

· Affordable

AGST Alliance programs allow participants to upgrade their theological/ministry skills at a cost which reflects local standards of living.

· Available expertise

Our programs draw on a wide pool of lecturers and supervisors who have significant expertise in their field.

· A cooperative venture

AGST Alliance, as a consortium-based venture, demonstrates and enhances key Kingdom and ministry values of cooperation by regional theological seminaries.

Contact us to apply for a program today!