Fees & costs

Fees for GDTD Program
Fees for MTh/ Postgrad Dip Program
Fees for EdD/ DMin Program
Fees for PhD Program

Direct Bank Deposits

In Malaysia – MYR deposits:
Account name: AGST Alliance Sdn Bhd
Maybank Malaysia. Bank Account: 501011046123
Branch: Johor Bahru Main Branch
Address of Bank: Lot 1-22, Level 1, 2 & 3, Johor Bahru City Centre, 106-108, Jalan Wong Ah Fook, 80000 Johor Bahru, Johor
Tel: +607-228 2400
Swift Code: MBBEMYKL

In Singapore – SGD deposits:
Account name: AGST Alliance Sdn Bhd
Maybank Singapore Limited. Bank Account: 0-418-10-0240-4
Branch: Holland Village Branch
Address of Bank: 247 Holland Avenue, Singapore 278979
Tel: +65 1800 629 2265 (for local), +65 6533 5229 (for overseas)
Bank Code: 7302
Swift Code: MBBESGS2

Important: Please email your deposit details (your name, purpose of payment, what program) to finance@agstalliance.org.

Graduate Diploma in Transformational Development (GDTD)

GDTD (Revised fees in July 2022):
Download PDF for cost breakdown, payment modes and more details.

Total fee for full program:
RM4300 (for participants from developing countries)
or SGD2250 (for participants from developed countries)

Fee per module:
RM600 (for participants from developing countries)
or SGD300 (for participants from developed countries)

Master of Theology (MTh) (Theology)

Download PDF for cost breakdown, payment modes and more details

Total fee for full program:
RM11,180 (for participants from developing countries) or
SGD8,360 (for participants from developed countries)

Fee per credit: RM350 (for participants from developing countries or SGD260 (for participants from developed countries)

Master of Theology (MTh) (Education)

Download PDF for cost breakdown, payment modes and more details

Total fee for full program:
RM11,176 (for participants from developing countries) or SGD8,336 (for participants from developed countries)

Fees per credit:
RM328 (for participants from developing countries)
or SGD243 (for participants from developed countries)

Master Teologi (MTh) (BM)

Download PDF for cost breakdown, payment modes and more details

Total fee for full program: RM11,180 (for Malaysian participants)

Fee per credit: RM350 (for participants from Malaysia)

Doctor of Education (EdD) (Spiritual Formation & Discipleship: Child and Family Development)

Download PDF for cost breakdown, payment modes and more details

Before 2023 (for 36 credits) 
Total fee for full program is:
RM13,280 (for participants from developing countries) or SGD9,920 (for participants from developed countries)

Fee per credit is: 
RM350 (for participants from developing countries) or SGD260 for participants from developed countries)

After 2023 (for 45 credits)
Total fee for full program is:
RM13,280 (for participants from developing countries) or SGD9,920 (for participants from developing countries)

Fee per credit is:
RM280 (for participants from developing countries)
or SGD 208 (for participants from developing countries)

Doctor of Ministry (DMin)

Download PDF for cost breakdown, payment modes and more details

Total fee for full program: 
RM13,280 (for participants from developing countries)
or SGD9,920 (for participants for developed countries) 

Fee per credit: 
RM350 (for participants from developing countries)
or SGD260 (for participants from developed countries)

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Download PDF for cost breakdown, payment modes and more details

PhD candidates pay a total of:
RM17,310 (for participants from developing countries)
or SGD 12,120 (for participants from developed countries)

Apply for a program today!