From our graduate, Dr McLean Hawthorne, Doctor of Education (2018), “I feel that I have grown personally, both spiritually and academically, as a result of my Ed.D. journey. I have gained discipline in working and pressing through in accomplishing tasks—even tasks that might seem

From our student, Senior Pastor Jeremiah Yap, DMin (2016), “Dr. Jeff (of the Leadership in Ministry module) has led us into fresh lenses in leadership. He made what he taught not only practical by his stories but gives us hope and handles to using the theories.”

From our student, Khanittha Panam, MTh (Ed) (2018), “This program has changed my life to bring clear critical thinking skills and a real relationship with Jesus Christ in my death with Him, and to be spirit-filled in fulfilling the Great Commission. My passion is to master the biblical way of
forming a healthy community of discipleship in a Thai church context.”

From our student, Sam Goh, MTh (Theology) (2018), “I appreciated the interaction with other students and the lecturer, hearing their Asian cultural experiences and reflecting together on various theological issues of concern to the Asian church and society.”