9 January 2022: Graduation ceremony of Kenn Iskov (Doctor of Education [EdD]) with the leaders and members of C3 Ryde Church.

27 November 2021: The hooding of Chris Cooper as a Doctor of Education in Spiritual Formation and Discipleship (EdD) at St. Andrews Hall.

14-19 November 2019: Education, Discipleship, and Spiritual Formation by Dr Alex Tang at Hotel Puri, Melaka.

26-28 Aug 2019: Colloqium, where dissertation candidates gather annually to encourage and critique one another’s’ work.

12-16 Aug 2019: ATA Triennial, at TCA College, Singapore. AGST Alliance was there with over 200 educators from Asia Pacific to explore the topic of The Future Church. Our Academic Dean Dr Tan Sooi Ling moderated one of the plenary sessions, and our Registrar Sis Melanie Lim shared at one of the closing segments.

2-7 May 2019: Education, Church & Society: Educating for Social Responsibility by Dr Peter Rowan, (National Director OMF International UK) at Hotel Puri, Melaka.